



Boreas FS FG 68

Boreas FS FG 68

Food Grade Full Synthetic Compressor and Vacuum Pump Oil

NSF H1 DIN 51506 VDL
Food Grade Oils Compressor Oils
Fcb74209 a248 4bcc b579 a22a5dae4246 504524 Boreas FSFG6820 L 400 5x


Rymax Boreas FS FG 68 is a type of compressor oil suitable for food-related applications, formulated with synthetic Group III base fluids and advanced additives. When there is a possibility of accidental contact with food, Boreas FS FG is a perfect choice for use in any compressor or vacuum pump.They are also available in ISO VG-32/46/100/150/220.


  • Can be used as a lubricant for various types of compressors, including screw, vane, alternative, and piston compressors.
  • Also suitable as a lubricating fluid for vacuum pumps.


  • Exceptional oxidation stability and extended service life, even under high temperature conditions.
  • Reliable compressor protection at elevated temperatures.
  • Ensures additional safety with very high flash and auto-ignition points.
  • Reduces the need for frequent fluid changes with low volatility and extended oil drain intervals.
  • Excellent film strength, anti-wear, coolant, carbon and varnish control, and rust and corrosion control.

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