



Endurox FLD 10W-40

Endurox FLD 10W-40

Full Synthetic Heavy-Duty Engine Oil

API CK-4/SN ACEA E6 ACEA E7 ACEA E9 CAT ECF-3 CAT ECF-2 CAT ECF 1-A Cummins CES 20081 Cummins CES 20086 DDC 93K222 Deutz DQC III-10 LA MACK EOS-4.5 MAN M 3477 MAN M 3575 MB 228.51 MB 228.31 MTU Type 3.1 MTU type 2.1 Renault RLD-4 Renault RLD-3 Volvo VDS 4.5
Truck Engine Oils
0305f5ff 4975 4cd1 a214 abe4ce759f63 905409 Endurox FLD10 W 405 L 400 5x 281 29


Endurox FLD 10W-40 is our Extra High Performance diesel engine oil specially developed for use in modern, high output, low emission engines. This engine oil meets all relevant Euro IV, V, VI & US 2007 on-highway exhaust emission standards. We offer this range in a semi synthetic blend; SAE 15W-40 and two full synthetic blends; SAE 10W-40 and SAE 10W-30. Endurox FLD does not only meet the unique needs of these new engines and enhances the life of exhaust after treatment devices, but it also provides improved protection to older engines and is formulated with state of-the-art additive technology and severely hydro-processed base oils to provide outstanding performance and overall protection. Endurox FLD exceeds the performance requirements of API CK-4 service categories and meets the approval level of major global OEMs like Volvo, Mack, Cummins. Exceptional TBN retention resists harmful effects of corrosive exhaust gases and extends oil life. Low ash content reduces particulate build-up in Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) and extends the systems' lifetime.


  • Excellent thermal and oxidation stability
  • Very high Viscosity Index and a high resistance against shearing
  • Good protection against " bore polishing"
  • Great dispersant and detergent properties, which warrants a clean operation
  • Excellent anti-wear, anti-corrosion and anti-foam properties

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