Styx STOU SAE 15W-40
Universal tractor oil

Styx STOU is a mineral Super Tractor Oil Universal, elaborated for the application in the engine, transmission, oil immersed “wet” brakes and hydraulic system in tractors, combines, harvesters and off-road equipment with or without turbo-charger engine. Thanks to its universal characteristic, this provide an undoubtable maintenance advantage, preventing mistakes and having a limited stock of products. Styx STOU can be used all year round, providing a perfect cold start, reduces friction and keep the engine clean. It allows an optimum drain interval. Styx STOU also offers a perfect protection against corrosion, oxidation and wear, even under extreme high loads in transmissions. A optimum level of detergent and dispersant keep the oil and the system clean from any impurities.Styx STOU is not applicable in diesel engines equipped with Diesel
- High level of dispersancy and detergency
- Excellent oxidation stability.
- Very good protection against wear