



Themis 32

Themis 32

Slide Way Oil

DIN 51502: CGLP DIN 51517 part III DIN 51524 part II ISO 11158 HG ISO 19378 GA & GB AGMA 9005 E02 (EP) AIST 224 FZG 12 General Motors LS2
Slideway Oils
7c784269 61cf 496d bba2 93e3737ec351 Rymax Drum Black205 L 185kg 400 5x


Rymax Themis is a universal high performance compounded oil, developed for the lubrication of slideways. The Rymax Themis products are specially developed to eliminate the phenomenon of stick-slip in machine tool operation. The combination of compounding, special base oils and additives gives the slideway oil outstanding stability, extreme oiliness, adhesiveness and exceptional load carrying ability. Slideway oil ISO VG 68 is more for horizontal applications, ISO VG 220 for vertical applications. ISO VG 32 is also suitable for horizontal ways and for machines with centralized ways and hydraulic systems.

Rymax Themis is also available in ISO VG-68/220.


  • Excellent metal wetting properties
  • Excellent stick slip properties
  • Good anti-wear, anti-rust and anti-foam properties
  • Excellent demulsibility characteristics in the presence of water based cutting fluids
  • No adverse reaction to resin coated surfaces

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